Project Location
The Project site is located on the River Jhelum near the village of Muslimabad in district Sudhnoti, AJ&K, some 7 km upstream of the Azad Pattan bridge having coordinates of 33˚46’35.1" N and 73˚33’47.8" E. The mid-point in the River Jhelum is the dividing boundary between Pakistan and the AJ&K. The site is about 90 km from Islamabad, capital city of Pakistan; connected with the rest of the Country through an excellent road network with relatively easy access to the site.

Azad Pattan HPP is one of the five projects in the River Jhelum cascade and the reservoir capacity and generation potential of each project is influenced by the water levels determined by the Cascade Study commissioned by PPIB. The River Jhelum can be subjected to extreme flood events due to intense monsoon rainfall within the catchment area and the crest of the RCC dam substantially comprises a spillway to discharge the possible maximum flood.